
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with C.

Jean Cacicedo

Eduardo Calderón

Mark Calderon

Judith Caldwell

Michael Caldwell

Kenneth Callahan

Dennis Olanzo Callwood

Robert Calvo

Cynthia Camlin

Jim Campbell

Patricia Campbell

Peter Campus

Pablo Cano

Kathleen Caprario

Carl Bryant and Sandra Bryant

Carl Chew, Mare Blocker, Ron Hilbert Coy, and J.T. Stewart

Linda Carlin Gordon

Eunice Carney

Sidonie Caron

Ed Carpenter

Barbara Carrasco

Daniel Carrillo

Dudley Carter

Nanette Carter

Nino Caruso

James Casebere

Phillip Cash Cash

Cass Morris and John Simon

Catherine Howett and George Trakas

John Catterall

Claudia Cave

Francis Celentano

Dawn Cerny

Wayne Chabre

Lauri Chambers

Brian Chapman

Karen Chapnick

Colleen Chartier

Diem Chau

Rita Chavez

Ray A. Cheer

Amy Cheng

Carl Cheng

Ann Chernenko

Jack Chevalier

Carl Chew

Dale Chihuly

Alex Chiu


Martha Chono-Helsley

Susan Christian

Kalina Chung

Christine Clark

Jamila Clarke

Morse Clary

Gabi Clayton

John Cleary

Shirley Cleary

Peter Cody

Anne Coe

Karita Coffey

Jim Colbert

Bill Colby

Melissa Singh Cole

Allison Collins

Clair Colquitt

Cindra Conison

Peggy Conklin Cloy

Henry Marshall Conley

Robert Connell

Elizabeth Conner

Marie Conner

Rafael Consuegra

Jesse Cooday

Richard Cook

Judy Cooke

Andy Cooperman

Mary Cornish-Hicks

Béatrice Coron

Richard Corrin

Share Corsaut

Dan Corson

Maria Coryell-Martin

Mary Coss

Norman Courtney

Kathleen Coyle

Katherine Cresci

Maria Cristalli

Jay Critchley

Gloria Crouse

Ford Crull

William Cumming

Craig Cundiff

Dennis Cunningham

Alfred Currier

Gwen Curry

Mel Curtis

Nancy Cushwa-Blake