
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with S.

Amy Sabrina

James Sahlstrand

Margaret Ahrens Sahlstrand

Adrienne Salinger

Susan Salo Deutchman

Samuella Samaniego

Frank Samuelson

John Sanborn

Elizabeth Sandvig

J. Elizabeth Santone

Selene Santucci

Marlo Sass

Norie Sato

Heath Satow

Tad Savinar

Alan Scarritt

Ludwig Schaffrath

Stuart Schechter

Steven Scheibe

Jerry Scheideman

Jeffrey Schiff

Gregg Schlanger

Thomas Schlotterback

William Schlough

Carol Schmauder

Karin Schminke

Cathy Schoenberg

Robert James Schoppert

Sally Schuh

Susan Schuppli

Phil Schwab

Deborah Schwartzkopf

David Schwarz

Verena Schwippert

Scott Kolbo and Lance Sinnema

Glenda Scott

Vicki Scuri

Sean Healy and Joe Thurston

Tanis S'eiltin

June Sekiguchi

William Self

Sally Sellers

Christine Semon

Douglas Senft

Jake Seniuk

Susan Seniuk

Dan Senn

Daniel Serra-Badué

Luis Serrano

Seymour, Jr., Joe (wahalatsu?)

Patty Sgrecci

Onajide Shabaka

Martha Shade

Stevie Shao

Manya Shapiro

Valerie Sharp

Benson Shaw

Lisa Sheets

Deborah Sheldon

Peter Shelton

Accra Shepp

Jan Shield

Erin Shigaki

Roger Shimomura

Larry Shlim

John Shreve

Colleen Sibelman

Timothy Siciliano

Sara Siestreem

Patrick Siler

Emily Silver

Phillips Simkin

Tyson Simmons

Jason Simon

Judith Simonian

Obie Simonis

Buster Simpson

Lewis Simpson

Molly Sims

Laura Sindell

Kim Singhrs

Preston Singletary

John Sisko

Kiff Slemmons

Clarissa Sligh

Kay Slusarenko

Kenneth Slusher

Tom Small

David Smestad

Anne Smith

Charles W. Smith

Ken Smith

Maggie Smith

Stanley Smith

Timothy Robert Smith

Carol Snow

Dan Snyder

Jason Sobottka

Fred Sodt

Valerie Soe

Aki Sogabe

Ellen Sollod

Paul Sorey

Alexandra Soteriou

Consuelo Soto Murphy

Pablo Soto

Nancy Souther

Michael Southern

Michael Spafford

Fox Spears

Robert Sperry

Constance Speth

Ken Spiering

Jessica Spring

Dana Squires

Jennifer Stabler-Holland

John Stahl

Stallman Studio

John Stamets

Leland Standley

Marilyn Starr Colvert

Robert Stauffer

Kim Steele

Lois Steiner

Ellen Steinfeld

Stephen Robison and Kathleen Guss

Carolyn Stephens

Allan Stephenson

Chris Stern

Joan Sterrenburg

Dennis Stewart

Susan Stewart

George Stillman

Lisa Stirrett

Roger Stoller

Stone and DeGuire

Cathy Stone

Kathleen Burns Stone

Katy Stone

Marly Stone

Michael Stone

Alan Storey

Anne Storrs

Mark Strathy

Stuart Keeler and Michael Machnic

Eugene Sturman

Chris Sublett

Do Ho Suh

Larry Sultan

Carol Summers

Moses Sun

Angelita Surmon


Suzanne Hellmuth and Jock Reynolds

Brian Swanson

Mark Swazo-Hinds

Kate Sweeney

Stephanie Syjuco

Sarah Sze