
Washington's State Art Collection includes over 1,200 artists and grows every year. Almost half the artists are female-identifying (in contrast to many other art collections). And almost two-thirds of the artists are from Washington State and the broader Pacific Northwest. The Collection is one of the oldest and largest statewide public art collections in the U.S. with nearly 5,000 artworks.

Displaying artists with last names starting with P.

Hernan Paganini

Geoffrey Pagen

Charles Palmer

Erin Shie Palmer

Paper Tiger Television

Virginia Paquette

Jorge Pardo

Seho Park

Lucinda Parker

Carol Parlato

Julie Paschkis

Duane Pasco

Robert Passig

Ken Patecky

J. Scott Patnode

Patrick Zentz and Barbara Swift

Paul Marioni and Ann Troutner

Christopher Pauley

Brian Paulsen

David Pearson

Charles Pebworth

Kirk Pedersen

Peggy Vanbianchi and Emily Standley Carlisle

Carola Penn

Larry Dean Pentz

Beverly Pepper

Miles Pepper

Sande Percival

Megan Perkins

Hazel Pete

Peter Goetzinger and Glenn Herlihy

Peter Reiquam, Frances Butler, and Marc Treib

Peter Richards and George Gonzalez

Peter Richards and Sue Richards

Mary Ann Peters

Joseph Peterson

Stan Peterson

Tucker Petertil

Judy Pfaff

Janet Taylor Pickett

Nicole Pietrantoni

Janet Pietsch

Irene Pijoan

James Pink

Jody Pinto

Nanci Pitkethly

Lillian Pitt

Curtis Pittman

Rosemary Pittman

Fred Ploeger

Johanna Poethig

Tracy Poindexter-Canton

Susan Point

Jack Portland

Richard Posner

Kelly Povo

Dan Powell

Patricia Powers

Judith Poxson Fawkes

Ed Praczukowski

Julie Prather


Sarah Prentiss

James Pridgeon

Thomas Prochaska

Melanie Pryor

Robert Purser

Martin Puryear

Christine Puskas-Dresner