New report – Creative Sector: Post-Mandate Plans

In early March, we sent out a survey to arts & culture organizations across Washington that asked one question: When the mask mandate ends on March 12, what are your plans?
This survey received 252 responses from across Washington. The data reveal that many organizations are still determining the best way forward. 29% of organizations plan to end both mask and vaccination requirements on March 12. Conversely, 28.6% of organizations said that they plan to keep both requirements in place until further notice. 42.4% of respondents are somewhere in between:

You are invited to read the full report here. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this survey. Please watch for a follow-up survey in early June as we continue to track how changes in policy and social health impact Washington’s creative sector.

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Agency News
📰 ArtsWA January news

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