Getting your community certified as a Creative District is a simple process and can be achieved in four basic steps:
Gather your community planning team.
This team should be made of a broad group of community members. They will work together to develop a plan for your Creative District. Team members may include:
- Artists
- Local business owners
- Arts and culture activity administrators
- Local government
- Business or downtown associations
- School districts and/or colleges
- Economic developers
- Community members at-large
Plan your District.
We’ve created a Community Readiness Toolkit to help you plan your District. The amount of time planning takes will vary from community to community. We provide technical assistance and guidance along the way. Please refer to the Pre-Application Checklist to confirm that your District meets minimum requirements. Once you meet all the requirements, you can apply for certification.
Apply for Creative District Certification.
After you’ve created a plan for your District, you can submit a formal application to ArtsWA. Please review the Application Guidelines to make sure you are following the process. Once you apply, a review panel will meet to discuss your application. The panel then decides whether to grant certification.
Begin your Creative District activities.
Once you receive certification as a Creative District, put your plan into action. Start tracking the progress of your Creative District. We will continue to provide technical assistance along the way as you increase the vibrancy of your community. Your District certification will last for five years, when you can apply for recertification.
Creative Districts
Creative Districts helps Washington communities thrive. This award-winning program works to grow the creative sector. It helps communities turn cultural activities into economic growth.
In March 2019, ArtsWA received the Innovation in Economic Development Award from WEDA. The award is for programs that significantly improve a community’s ability to attract and keep investment.
What is a Certified Creative District?
A Creative District is a fun place to live, work, and visit. It’s geographically defined area of cultural and economic activity. It’s the heart of a community. It is a place for people to gather and enjoy their community’s arts and culture.
A district is a place where innovation and creativity can thrive. A place that helps the community move enthusiastically into the future.
How will certification benefit your community?
State certification endorses creative activities in your community. It recognizes the potential for growth. Certification can help you:
- Promote your community’s creative identity
- Grow jobs in the creative sector
- Increase tourism and bring new visitors
- Attract artists, start-ups, and creative businesses
- Create opportunities for affordable housing. This may include live/work and maker spaces for artists.
- Boost livability
- Redevelop historic assets in your community
How does ArtsWA support your community?
We provide guidance to communities during and after certification. We are able to provide:
- Specialized resources
- $10,000 startup operating grant to launch your District program
- Up to $50,000 in capital project funding for small-scale projects within your District
- Technical assistance, training, and networking
- Tracked progress of your community’s creative economy
How the Certification Works

Getting your community certified as a Creative District is a simple process and can be achieved in four basic steps:
Gather your community planning team.
This team should be made of a broad group of community members. They will work together to develop a plan for your Creative District. Team members may include:
- Artists
- Local business owners
- Arts and culture administrators
- Local government
- Business or downtown associations
- School districts and/or colleges
- Economic developers
- Community members at-large
Plan your District.
We’ve created a Community Readiness Toolkit to help you plan your District. The amount of time planning takes will vary from community to community. We provide technical assistance and guidance along the way.
Please refer to the Pre-Application Checklist to confirm that your District meets minimum requirements. Once you meet all the requirements, you can apply for certification.
Apply for Creative District Certification.
After you’ve created a plan for your District, you can submit a formal application to ArtsWA. Please review the Application Guidelines to make sure you are following the process. Once you apply, a review panel will meet to discuss your application. The panel then decides whether to grant certification.
Begin your Creative District activities.
Once you are certified as a Creative District, you will put your plan into action. Start tracking the progress of your Creative District. We will continue to provide technical assistance along the way as you increase the vibrancy of your community. Your District certification will last for five years, when you can apply for recertification.
Creative Districts and Placemaking
Beyond economics
What makes a town, city, or community unique?
In Washington, the Creative Districts do more than drive local economies. They give communities tools to express what makes them special. We call it “placemaking”. Watch this new video to see how Creative Districts support placemaking in communities across Washington.
Creative District Spotlight
Tenino, Washington
Tenino is one of the newest Creative Districts, gaining certification in June 2020. In response to the effect that COVID-19 has had on their local economy, the city has come up with a creative way to support residents and small businesses. They are getting international attention for their approach, which takes a page from their city’s history to help make their community resilient for the future. Watch the video that aired July 19, 2020, on CBS Sunday Morning, to learn more.
Listen to an interview with Tenino’s mayor, Wayne Fournier, on Bloomberg’s Odd Lots podcast about how Tenino’s Wooden Money is impacting the community.