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Site-Specific Artworks

Each one of these site-specific artworks in Washington's State Art Collection enhances its location, reflects the values of the community, or provokes you to see your environment in a new way.

Since 2005, the ArtsWA Art in Public Places program has focused on commissioning new artworks that are site-specific (instead of purchasing artworks that were alreday made). This means that the artwork is created for a specific building and location. It is also created for a specific community.

When Washington constructs a new building, we reserve one-half of one percent of the state’s cost for art. We work with local committees to acquire artworks created especially for their buildings or campuses. The committee first selects an artist from the Public Artist Roster. They then review the artist’s design proposal, and approve the final version of the proposal. Often the artist works with the community to collect ideas or build certain elements of the artwork or its design. All of this ensures that the artworks are embedded within our public spaces and relevant to the local community.