Applications are now open for Working Washington Grants: Round 5. This grant program brings $70 million in pandemic relief funding to Washington small businesses and nonprofits, including $45 million for the arts, heritage, and science sectors.
Important notice to grant applicants: UEI
As of April 2022, recipients of grants using federal funds are required to have a UEI (Unique Entity ID), which replaces the DUNS Number. If you don’t have one yet, we strongly encourage you to apply for a UEI now. You may apply for grants without one, but you cannot receive funds until you have an UEI. Click here to apply for a UEI now.
About this grant
This grant serves small businesses and organizations affected by the pandemic. The Department of Commerce manages the grant as part of the Working Washington Grants: Round 5 program. ArtsWA strongly encourages for-profit and non-profit businesses, including sole proprietors and independent artists, to apply.
Eligible applicants must meet the following criteria. More details will come in the weeks ahead.
You are eligible to apply if you:
- are an active for-profit or non-profit business or organization
- have a UBI or EIN number
- are physically located in Washington State
- can show financial hardship because of the pandemic
- have been in operation prior to January 1, 2021
- did not report more than $5,000,000 in income in 2019
- had revenue of at least $10,000 in 2019 or 2020
- generate at least 51% of your revenue in Washington State
- have necessary business costs/expenses that are not government fees or taxes. These same costs/expenses cannot be paid for by another private business or government program
- have not permanently closed, or do not intend to permanently close in 2022
- follow all COVID-19 health requirements
You can only apply for one business or organization. If you have more than one, apply for your largest or most impacted business or organization.